The Power Your Voice Could Have

Gabriel Alvarez, Staff Writer

Dating back to the start of democracy ancient Greeks created a system where the regular citizen’s voices were heard. Our founding fathers took this idea and branded this land we just fought for as the free nation to be where all free men had a fair and equal say on how not only our cities or states function but our nation as a whole. After several interviews with experienced voters, it was clear that no matter what side of the political split the voter was on many people shared in common that even when their candidate won the election, the results were less than satisfactory. Many of the people had uncertain looks on their faces when asked if their presidential candidates had good leadership or even delivered on their promises made during their campaign. One voter had the opinion that “most of the time they keep most of their promises”. After hearing many different opinions this individual had a more optimistic opinion compared to others. Another voter when as far as to say “keep their promises? I don’t remember. Usually, they don’t. Maybe 1 or 2.” It’s clear that many people are struggling to find faith in this unrewarding system where half of the population can feel ignored through an electoral college overturning the popular vote.

Nevertheless, each participant practically unanimously spoke that voting is necessary. Many encouraged the youth of the nation turning 18 now or soon who can shape their country for the first time in the next Presidential election in 2020 to vote.

On the other hand, some people made the valid point that some people need to educate themselves before jumping into and swaying an election these new voters don’t fully understand. One participant spoke of personal experience that “What I remember when I was 18 I didn’t really know all the policies or just didn’t understand them.” Similarly, another voter specified that young people should vote as a chance to further their understanding by jumping into this heated conversation of where do we want our nation to be heading. Several of the participants mentioned the fact that if we can be sent off to fight for our country and we deserve the right to have a say in what we are fighting for.

There is no denying the fact that the students we see in our fellow hallways, like it or not, are the future of our country and should be pushed to want to make a difference. It all starts with a single vote cast by each of us to bring up a voice in this nation with not only the drive but the means to inspire and lead our great nation.


To find out how to get registered to vote, go see Mrs. Beuker in Room 30