Children are the future of every society, and their rights must be protected and upheld to ensure their well-being and development. These rights are essential for their physical, mental, emotional, and social growth, enabling them to reach their full potential and be responsible members of society.
Children’s rights are important. All children everywhere have the right to survival, and to live in a safe and nurturing home free from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. This also includes the right to have healthcare to make sure of their physical well-being. Children also have the right to a name, identity, and nationality, giving them a sense of belonging and legal protection.
Challenges many children face are poverty, child labor, violence, abuse, and lack of education. Many children around the world live in poverty, not getting the basic needs like healthcare, education, food, and more. Millions of them are exploited by illegal labor; they also experience violence and abuse in various forms, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, which can have long-lasting negative effects on them. Discrimination, gender inequality, and limited resources often prevent children, especially girls, from accessing quality education.
I think the best way to ensure Children’s Rights is for the Governments to establish and enforce laws that protect children’s rights, ensuring their implementation at all levels. Because this hasn’t been enforced this world has lost a lot of younger children like Gabriel Fernandez who was an eight-year-old boy from Palmdale, California. Gabriel had been abused and tortured for months, and died due to trauma sustained by the continuous and systematic abuse, mainly beatings by his mother and her boyfriend.
In addition, there were socials workers who had been assigned to his home, but they did not do enough to protect him, even when there was evidence this little boy had been abused.
An estimated 1,750 children died from abuse and neglect during fiscal year 2020, compared to an estimated 1,830 children whose deaths were determined as due to maltreatment during fiscal year 2019. This indicates slight measures have been taken to prevent and address all forms of violence against children, including strict legal penalties for offenders. However, much more needs to be done.
Access to free education should be guaranteed for all children, without discrimination. Healthcare is the most important human right because so many children would benefit from this, and they all should have it.
In conclusion, the enforcement of Children’s Rights must be upheld because every child deserves to be protected, supported, and loved in order to reach their full potential. Governments, communities, and individuals all have to play a role in ensuring that children’s rights are respected and upheld. By investing in their well-being, education, healthcare, and protection, we can create a brighter future for our children and the world as a whole. Let us join hands to empower the future generations.
This story is important in our school community because we don’t know the extent of what other students go through. They can be working full time and can’t go to school, or others are not allowed, some may not have food or health care. We need guarantees in place that keep every child and student safe.