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The Gladiator Times

The Student News Site of Gilbert High School

  • February 7"Follow your passion. It will be to your purpose." -Oprah. Soap box speeches at Gilbert High school coming soon raise your voice join the movement
  • February 7No school Monday February 10th celebrating Abraham Lincoln's Birthday

The Gladiator Times

The Gladiator Times

A picture of me, Autumn, in a dress shirt and tie giving a thumbs up to the camera.

Autumn Baker, Staff Writer


I’m Autumn, and I’m here to bring you the news! I’m 17, a Senior at Gilbert High School, and a Staff Writer for the Gladiator Times. I try to keep up with the latest events and bring YOU the news.

Personal Interests

I enjoy looking at nature and appreciating the natural beauty of the world, as difficult as that can be with the industrialization of the world. I like cooking, making art, and generally adding things to the world, which includes bringing the news to you. I wanna make people happy and give as much as I can to the world.

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Autumn Baker