Words of Wisdom From our Wonderful Teachers


Kaidyn King, Staff Writer

As the year ends for us seniors we will be saying goodbye to our wonderful teachers and staff here at Gilbert High School. Despite all the stress, kids rushing to get their assignments finished, and teachers struggling with the internet going in and out, the golden opportunities to share final moments of learning and wisdom are limited.

To offset the time and potential missed opportunities to share in a proper goodbye, we have collected some words of wisdom from our staff and teachers to share with you today. Because we don’t really have time to talk to all the teachers we want to, and they, likewise, might not have the time or right energy to offer those words of wisdom in person, even though we know they do care, here are some golden nuggets from our beloved teachers and staff that offer advice and kind messages in their own words.

Here’s everything your teachers want you to know before you embark on the incredible journey of life after high school:

“Don’t forget to thank and appreciate the ones who guided you or didn’t give up on you. Don’t stop until you find a career you wake up every day PUMPED about showing up for. Get involved. It will literally change your entire experience for the better.” ~ Mrs. Camarena

“I would tell all graduating students about  the importance of compound interest and investing for retirement.” ~ Mr. Glenn

“My advice to students: Go to Fullerton College or Cypress College and take 12 units in the Fall, any classes to get the free tuition. If at community college, ask about EOPS and find out their resources, ask if you can get a book grant to purchase textbooks. Get as much college for free as possible. Consider the two years free and transfer to a four year college, this way you only worry about paying for two years at a four year college. Apply for Federal Financial Aid and State Grants. Don’t worry about immigration papers, they won’t ask. Just check if you have to be an American citizen, born in the United States. If you get a job instead, PLEASE BE ON TIME! Bosses and supervisors are not as nice as your Gilbert teachers. Work hard, be a team player, and don’t talk back to anyone. Don’t take long lunches at your job either, if it’s thirty minutes, make sure you take only thirty minutes. DO NOT text your friends or be on your phone at any job! No employer pays you to have a social life, save that for home. If your friends are worthy of your time, chances are they are working too and cannot be on their phone. This is all I can think of for now, Good Luck!!”  ~ Mrs. Fagu

“From Socrates to Plato to Aristotle to Freund: “Work hard, play hard, have fun and improve lives.” ~ Mr. Freund

“Life is as easy or as difficult as you make it. Make sure to stop, breath, be grateful, and see all the beauty around you. Things will get tough and then easy again. Enjoy the Journey”~ Mrs. Arvizu

“Those who risk nothing…risk more. Take calculated risks and be willing to learn from them.” ~ Mrs. Veronica Ortega-Gamez (“O.G.”)

“There is no wrong. There is only WRITE! YOU have the power to manifest your dreams. Write them down, and say them out loud, and believe in those dreams because realizing your dreams can change the world. As you think so shall you attract, so think powerful positive thoughts and step into that freedom of knowing you can do and be whatever your heart desires.” ~ Ms. Frese

“Seniors, you decide the colors and seasoning that will define your life.  Make it deliciously beautiful! Live a life full of joy and love, achieving this is a true success!! Blessings to all of you!” ~ Lizzette Barrios Gracián

“1. Don’t put self limitations before you even try. 2. Don’t let go of a dream because you don’t yet have the skill. However, this means that you must not be afraid to ask questions or ask for help because there are always, and I mean always, good people willing to help you find your way.”  – Mr. Daniel Laningham

“Start your journey on whatever path you want. Just start. And be ready for the adventure. A quote from Netflix: We started with DVD’s” – Mr. Dominguez (ROP)

“When you’re young, time is an asset.  Spend some of it pursuing joy.” – Mr. Ted Shickler (science)

“Don’t be afraid of change! Life can take you in new directions that will surprise you and make you a better person, if you are open to it.” – Mrs. April Buker (History/Action Civics/Ethnic Studies)

“My advice: Live your life with high standards & outside of your comfort zone, that’s when you will notice great things happening.” – Ms. Esmerelda Hernandez (ROP)

“Discipline will always win out over motivation. One of the most challenging things in life is to be consistent.” ~ Mr. Lopez

“I am so proud of each and every one of you. Growing up isn’t easy, and you are all on your way. Here are my words of wisdom for graduating seniors. Take responsibility for your own actions and choices, you are the author of your own destiny now. Do not be intimidated to learn new things, to be the new person at your job, to be the small fish in the big pond again, that is when we grow the most, and everyone has been the new guy at some point in their lives.  Ask questions! Stay Curious about everything, especially yourself and what you are capable of.  BE honest.  Try to leave people, places, and things a little better than you found them.  Make mistakes and learn from them. Give yourself a lot of grace. Give everyone else a lot of grace too.  Remember we are all just learning, doing the best we can with what we have. We are all in this thing together, after all, and none of us is getting out alive…So help your fellow travelers when you can. Know that nobody ever lay on their deathbed wishing they had worked more hours or had more money, but most people do wish that they had more time and treated themselves and those they loved better. Do it now.  Allow yourself to grow into the person that your younger self hoped to be. Trust that when all else fails, a little humor and a hug are the best medicine around.  Never forget you are worthy and deserving of love, and when you need someone you can always count on… just look in the mirror :)” ~ Katrina Weed (school nurse)

Certainly, there are words here to inspire anyone!