Preparation For Sharon Quirk-Silva Visit


May 4, 2023 in 3rd period, Friday-night-live and a couple other students who participated in the soapbox speeches are preparing for 2 presentations. On the following next day May 5 an assembly woman Sharon Quirk Silva will be at Gilbert High School to listen to step five of the 5 stages required for a school to earn the California democracy school award. Step 5 is taking action, she is the last step where students will be requesting or presenting to her the idea of students receiving two mental health days during the school year. Gilbert has already received the reward and the award ceremony is taking place on May 6th. A part of the ceremony is asking schools who are receiving the award to present why they are receiving the award or the project they completed. So the students are preparing to present the 5 stages  of the California dormancy school award to Sharon Quirk-Silva as the  last step of step 5 which is taking action.  Ms. Arvizu was presenting to the student that are going to the event on what they need to be ready for when Sharon Quirk-Silva Visit.