Finding Our Purpose

Finding Our Purpose

Rosa Morales, Staff Writer

Last month we watched a video in our Advisement Class about “Finding Our Purpose”. This was part of a Power Up activity, which we Gladiators do during 3rd period. We all had to write our own reflection about what we heard in the video. There were four writing prompts. 1. Why am I here? 2. What do I really really want in life? 3. Where am I going? and 4. If I achieve all my goals, what will it look like?

I took a look at my responses again. Why are we here? We are all here because we were meant to be in this exact moment. What do we really,really want in life? Something I want is to get my parents a house for them to live in after they retire because they have worked so hard for me and our family, and we have to do the same when they get older and older.Where are we going? We are going to school and finishing our education and graduating to get better jobs in the future to earn more money. If we all achieve our goal/goals, what will it look like? We would look very responsible and successful after everything we did.

These are the reflections I still hold fast to today.

“The most Successful people are invariably those who spend the most time thinking about who they are,where they are going.They then constantly evaluate and re-evaluate their progress in light of  who they are and what they really want”-Brain Tracy