Who Are The Rainbow Gladiators?


Lexie Rocha (They/She), Staff Writer

Rainbow Gladiators is an Instructional Communications (I.C.) elective class at Gilbert High School. Also a club, Rainbow Gladiators, is a place to be yourself no matter how you identify.

Rainbow Gladiators strive to support and encourage LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, etc.) students and allies on our campus. Our purpose is to create a safe space for everyone; as well as discuss and learn about LGBTQIA+ issues.

Rainbow Gladiators meet every school day during fourth period, as well as during lunch on Wednesdays, in room 12.

Members will participate respectfully in LGBTQIA+ history and discussions regarding appropriate topics related to LGBTQIA+ history and current events.

Rainbow Gladiators work to teach young LGBTQIA+ members and allies about queer history and current events.

As participants, we are respectful of identities, pronouns, and names. We agree to treat each other with respect. Additional ethics include the following: Be Kind. Be open-minded and flexible. Be ready to learn. Be ready to participate in discussions and activities. Be supportive and inclusive.

Current members of the club include: Lexie Rocha, Hue Dewitt, Kira Warren, Cozy Cirvantes, Cristal Perez, Coffee Pacheco, Kailey Caldwell, and Roxanne Morales. All are welcome to participate at any time. No time commitment necessary.

The Rainbow Gladiators Club advisor is: Janelle Frese