Yoselin Leanos Sheds Light on Being an Online Senior

What it’s Like to Be an Online Senior

Yoselin Leanos, Senior Contributor

Senior student, Yoselin Leanos,  (photo by Mr. Dechene, GHS ASB Adviser

My Morning as an Online Senior 

I wake up so tired because my sleeping schedule isn’t good right now. I shower every night so I go to sleep clean and wake up clean. I put my hair in braids so when I wake up my hair won’t be frizzy and it’ll be a little wet. I wake up around 8:40am and go to my bathroom. I do my skin care routine, brush my teeth and change out of my pajamas. I put on some shorts and an oversized shirt.

I would be done around 9:10am and then I put my slides on and go to the kitchen. I make myself an easy breakfast. I like boiled/scrambled eggs with rice or if I’m lazy I make myself two waffles with chopped up bananas with a side of coffee. I make waffles because most of the time I’m tired. Also because I love that meal.

Then I turn my computer on and log into my class while eating my breakfast. After that I put my dishes in the sink and join my second period. Then I join all my other classes and I don’t finish until 2:30pm. I then eat lunch and play with my dog. I then start my homework and don’t finish until 5:00, then I take a nap because my eyes get tired of staring at the screen. I wake up around 6:30 and workout, after I workout I get in the shower. Lastly, I eat dinner and go to sleep.