COVID-19 App

Jimmy Serrano

COVID-19 App

Jimmy Serrano

May 14 2020


Technology has come a long way to help all of us for most of our daily necessities or tasks in life, but how can this app help you with the coronavirus?

Researchers in the UK have been testing out new technology that allows you to have an electronic handshake with others around you. The app will then notify you if you have come in contact with anyone who’s tested positive for COVID-19. Within 3 hours of the launch, more than 30,000 residents had already signed up for the app. In those 3 hours 19 patients have already reported symptoms. This app can come in very handy if you’re scared or worried of the crisis going on. The US should invent a similar app that’ll help us for this serious crisis going on. The UK hopes to hopefully run this app all over the country and to get as much people to get it while they can, the app will be available within 2-3 weeks.