Smile Through the Pain

Focus on What Makes You Happy

Colby Romay, Staff Writer

Happiness comes in many different forms and can leave quicker than you even realize it’s presence. No matter the worry or stress, all a person truly wants is to be comfortable. Happiness is most definitely a portion of that sought after comfort within myself and my life and for some of those who I surround myself with. 

          Happiness can vary from the thoughts in your head, the people you’re closest with and stand by or even the clothes you’re wearing can have a mood altering effect in a positive way for example a certain colour of clothing might flare an emotion correlated with a mood for yourself. 

          Now, think about how good Spaghettios are. Then, honestly actually consider what makes you genuinely happy. Consider why that thing or that being does, take the time to appreciate these things and our deep thinking as nothing more than having common manners and consideration towards another can literally save a person’s life and give them something, happiness. Which leads to hope.  What some spend their whole life chasing while running from their relentless personal torment.