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The Gladiator Times

The Student News Site of Gilbert High School

  • December 16Wrapping Party today in the Family Center during Lunch today!
  • December 16Last Week of School! M-T-W Regular Bell Schedule, Thursday & Friday are Minimum Days for Students

The Gladiator Times

The Gladiator Times

Ailyn Sanchez Ramirez

Ailyn Sanchez Ramirez, Staff Writer

My name is Ailyn Sanchez Ramirez, My birthday is June 26th. I am 17 years old,  I am currently a Senior at Gilbert High School and I came from Savanna high school. My favorite thing to do is to go to the beach to watch the sunset and my favorite color is purple. I have a 3 year old sister named Giselle and a cat named Bruno.

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Ailyn Sanchez Ramirez