Mental Health consists of emotions, psychological and social well being. It influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how we respond to stress, interact with others, and make decisions. Everyone’s Mental Health functions differently. Some can be more severe than others that can include self harm thoughts or lower levels of self love. Some might just be stuck in that period of time and wont know how to respond to whats coming at them. Either way everyone is loved and if you think your alone you are not. There are many people experiencing similarities as you. That is why it is good to reach out and ask for help. You can reach out to a friend or family member, therapist, support group or a helpline. There are also ways your can try to get your mental state back to how you think whats best for you. For example set your priorities. Little by little make a difference with your schedule and find something to do that your passionate about. Show compassion to yourself. Know your worth and treat yourself to something. Also, you can start paying attention to the present moment. You can be so involved on something in the past that its deteriorating you and stopping your growth as a person that interferes with your mental state and makes you feel stuck in some dark thoughts that could be hard and take time to get out of.
In conclusion, it is good to focus on bettering your mental health not only for you but the people around you can know the authentic you and live daily life with peace of love radiating from yourself:)