Every Day is Earth Day if You Care
The greenery of our campus
May 8, 2023
Every Day is Earth Day if You Care
When it comes to keeping Mother Earth clean and prospering for the future of our children and our grandchildren, it is important to begin with our community. In our immediate environment, like the household, or everyday communities like Gilbert High School, students and staff here have been seen making changes in the way we do things. For example, the new solar panels erected in Gilbert’s parking lot, or the at-home carbon footprint project our biology teachers have here at the school, are leading the way for change.
To see our community being cared for from bottom to top is beautiful, and should be a symbol of making Earth Day not only a day of dedication to cleaning Earth up, but a day of celebration of the constant efforts made towards keeping our planet safe.
I recently shared in conversation with biology teacher, Ms. Angel, who really put the point of view of a teacher here at Gilbert a positive community filled with very aware students. I first began asking questions about the general awareness and efforts towards the well-being of Earth. Ms. Angel described a politically-driven project called the Willow Project which will further harm the Earth; however, it does provide more jobs which helps with economic health.
Multiple students have also been seen around Gilbert getting signatures for 18-year-old students trying to achieve a bigger impact on the city’s community. Ms. Angel added, “I do feel like there can be more awareness about Earth Day, but I do know that Gilbert’s FNL and ASB clubs tend to things like recycling paper and plastic.”
FNL and ASB, being very active groups on campus, do amazing jobs at maintaining the well-being of the campus in multiple ways and make efforts to be prepared and make sure classrooms are supplied with recycling bins, posters on windows that have positive statement about spreading awareness about recycling.
“My last unit was about climate change so I do have students reflect on their own carbon footprint to see how they are affecting the Earth via posters,” she said.
At Gilbert, teachers make projects fun, engaging and meaningful. Homework is often an experience. To be observant about these things at home creates the perfect environment for others in the family to pick up on ideas of healthy waste habits.
“I do feel like climate change is a big concern,” Ms. Angel said, “in everyone, society, and so forth, no one really takes it as seriously as it should be… for example the Willow Project…and in Alaska they’re actually gonna be drilling for oil deposits… and that’s exactly the opposite of what we’re trying to do for the Earth.”
It was a pleasure speaking with Ms. Angel about the Earth. In an interesting way, she mentioned that the government is beginning a drilling project which will ravage America’s environment, but provide a well-needed economic push we have been needing. This kind of dilemma will always be a presence in politics and science with the demands of what it takes to fix certain problems being so much that it starts another problem some place else. Ms. Angel described this as a, “double-edged sword.”
The steps to doing everything you can about the Earth begins first with yourself. You’re the only person you’ll listen to when it comes to making the right choices about waste management, water conservation, etc. Establishing healthy carbon footprint habits, even general behaviors, will help. Having personal control and discipline over your healthy habits will make you admirable and able to set examples for others, meaning, you can lend much more support to helping the Earth by influencing family and friends to be mindful of their habits.
For when you carry a righteous message you are powerful. Having a well-informed community will also enable you to make tremendous impacts. For example, taking part in volunteering projects, backing positive propositions, and supporting positive green leaders can help your community.
Observing and reflecting on Earth Day gives us a meaningful insight and lets us realize caring for Earth isn’t a one day thing, but a constant and spiritual lifestyle.