The Destiny at Gilbert

Justin Ulloa, Staff Writer

A Destiny at Gilbert

People make mistakes, it’s a natural thing in life, but people have pride in their mistakes, people are proud to be at Gilbert. To be given a second chance in their education, to catch up with missing credits. Gilbert offers double the credits than in a home-school, while home-schools are making 5, Gilbert is making 10, giving students the opportunity to graduate early. People have also made all sorts of friends while being here, because not only people from your own home-school are here, but people from all sorts of other schools come together like a melting pot. People change schools like seasons, for their personal reasons. Gladiators are here because they want a change and to be guided in the correct path of education.

Destiny Montgomery, one of the most powerful voices I’ve heard among students, giving such strong words about herself, & Gilbert High School as a whole. As she moved schools frequently, her grades & credits were declining, until she moved to Anaheim, it made sense to her to come to Gilbert. “Without Gilbert & without Silverado, I probably wouldn’t even graduate, and… being that I basically went to two schools almost every year, three last year, it just taught me that I don’t need anyone and I can do it.”, focusing on herself, and getting good grades, focusing on yourself is key to graduate to making sure that you’re on the right path, doing what you have to do to graduate. She mentioned how people talk so low about Gilbert, how people believe that Gilbert is where the “unintelligent” students come, how people make up stereotypes about the students here, without actually being here, just because people know that students with low credits are here, but that isn’t the case at all, like Destiny said, “We’re all the same, we just need a little bit more help here”. People really do believe the stereotypes, as I was riding the bus home and talking to a couple of my friends, a man spoke up and remarked, “you guys really talk smarter than those Gilbert students”, “We’re from Gilbert”, I announced back. It really shows how people without knowing anything, really believe the stigma. Destiny wants people to believe that second chances are real, how people should focus on work, to take advantage of your education being here, from not doing any homework, to working on essays at 12 am, trying to finish. Montgomery’s story is what people need to hear to wake up and to get studying, an inspiration.