Gilbert Gaming Fun and Fortnite

Jason Healy and Devin Vazquez

Did you know that Gilbert High School has one of the best hang out spots on a district campus?  More specifically the gaming lab located in our library. Including ten gaming-focused computers and a variety of activities that consist of board games, table football, and air hockey.

Gilbert’s Gaming Lab has been around for only a year funded recently by the school district as well as the state. The fund for schools to have gaming labs started in 2011 by the American Library association and is still being used and improved today.

The gaming club was founded by Mr. Tran. The club has taken advantage of these positive resources and is hosting a Fortnite tournament. November the 16th during lunch time, the gaming club will be hosting the Fortnite tournament finals, and announce the results on 17th of November.

November is International gaming month. This event is a collaboration with the gaming club organizing fun activities for students. Mr. Vazquez, our librarian, and Mr. Tran hope the event will encourage good sportsmanship and will be a way to escape from the stress of school. This monthly event was originally meant to be a one week event, but now it is happening throughout the month, and is planned to continue all year.

The International gaming month is also hosted by schools from all over the district. The district brings us a weekly agenda of recurring game leagues.

Minecraft Monday. Every Monday you can play Minecraft with other partakers during lunch at the library game lab.

Trivia Tuesday. Every Tuesday Mr. Vazquez will throw a trivia game for any one who wants to join during lunch.

Fun Friday. Mr.Vazquez ends off your week with fun board games that the library will host during lunch. There will be monopoly, lIfe, Chess, sho-gi, battle ship, and more.