Meet Gilbert High’s Awesome Support Staff

September 15, 2022
Gilbert High School has an amazing support system from the Social Workers and Family & Community Engagement Specialist (FACES) to the Counselors and Office Assistants. Each and every single one of these people have a very important job that contributes to the family that is Gilbert High School.
Let’s start with the amazing Counselors shall we. First, we have the courageous Micheal Seltzer who has been a counselor for 19 years. Mr. Seltzer helps the students whose last name starts with A,B,C,D,E or F. Next we have the kind Kenia Sandoval-Rodriguez. Ms. Sandoval-Rodriguez helps the students with the last name G,H, I J, K, L and M. Last, but not least, we have the compassionate Rosie Cardoza who has been doing what she loves for 22 years. Ms. Cardoza helps the students with N,O,P,Q,R,S,T, U,V,W,X,Y and Z. All these amazing counselors help students with varies things like their graduation status or their class schedule. They also help with College and Career events and opportunities.
The counselors support students with other academic things like Summer school, APEX or Financial Aid. The Counselors take pride in being able to help their students and will always make time to help them with whatever need there be. When students walk in the Counseling office they are immediately greeted with a warm smile and a welcoming space to speak freely about their school problems.
“If you have a concern or question, the counseling office is probably the best place to begin to get it answered. If we can’t fix it, we can guide you to who can.”~ Mr.Seltzer
After these passionate counselors we have the awesome Community Relations staff. First is the reliable Isabel Tabares-Torres who has been working as a Community Relation adviser for 2 years, but this is her first month here as a Gilbert Gladiator. Ms. Tabares-Torres is in charge of anything the students of the community may need like bus passes or donations, and she helps with the local Community Center. She gathers data and helps create programs and resources that any student and their parents may need. Along with the reliable Ms. Tabares-Torres we have the formidable Rocio Mendez who has been a Staff Relations worker for 6 months.
Ms. Mendez and Ms. Tabares-Torres help students with anything they need from the community. They also help with getting our families involved, host parent workshops, and provide resources. The students here at Gilbert are able to get any community-based assistance from these wonderful people, and they also handle non-profit organizations in the community.
“Students! The Family Center (and Community Center) is where you can obtain a free bus pass and other resources. Don’t be afraid to come find out what’s available for you,” Ms.Mendez stated. ”Gilbert is a school that truly cares for students and families and wants to make sure they are well. Also, Gilbert is becoming a Community School which is a huge opportunity for students, the staff and out families…” added Ms.Tabares-Torres.
Following these fierce Community Engagement Specialists we have the amazing Office Assistants. We will start with the joyful Adriana Campos. Ms. Campos is a Sr. Administrative Assistant and has been for 14 years. Her job is to make sure the needs of the students, parents and staff are met to our standards. It is also to help coordinate communication between administrators, The district, parents, students and the general public, that means her day is spent texting or emailing people, wow I couldn’t imagine how her hands most fell after all that typing.
After the joyful Ms. Campos we have the lively Daisy Orozco. Ms. Orozco is an Office Assistant going on 4 years. She greets students, staff and parents in the Main Office with a bright smile and warm welcome. She also helps with the Parent Center and helps with whatever the needs may be. She does a little bit of every thing that contributes to the well oiled machine of supporting students and staff at our school, including the organization and presentation of our daily Morning Announcements.
While I can go on and on about the amazing support staff here at Gilbert, and trust me I can, I have a word capacity range. So, I’ll end this here with a reminder that we at Gilbert High School have an endless line of support here, including other support systems like our social workers, dedicated teachers,and club advisers.
Bee • Sep 15, 2022 at 7:45 pm
The staff a Gilbert sounds amazing! Great job young lady.