Gilbert High School Started Club Rush Early This Year

August 26, 2022
Club Rush was held early this year, during the second week of school. 4 clubs were represented in the quad with tables and giveaways, music and sign-up lists. Here’s the rundown of the clubs, their advisors, and mission statements:
ASB is a club where Mr. Dechene and students from Gilbert. Who come together for third period everyday to help improve the school making it a better and fun environment. They also help come up with school events like prom, movie nights and assembly’s. Without ASB there wouldn’t really be any events at school. ASB can help you with social skills, event planning, working with other groups of people, and getting out of your comfort zone. Sign ups were today and there is another sign up tomorrow the 18th at lunch at the table that say’s ASB or you can also talk to Dechene about wanting to join the club in Room 29. Dechene also gives out work permits if you are applying for a job.
Anime Club is a club in which members get together and share their interests in Japanese animation. Hosted by the legendary Mr. Nakayama and Ms. Buitron in Room 39, Anime Club members would go on Tuesdays and Thursdays to watch anime and learn more about Japanese culture. This club is new, so ideas and suggestions are welcome.
Multicultural Club is a club bringing more culture onto Gilbert’s campus and celebrating everyone’s culture. Planning on setting up themes for the campus, and possibly going on field trips. Mr. Bonales is the Advisor of this club, and meetings will be held once a week in Room 14, but the day has yet to be determined. At Katella HS, there was a similar club and Mr. Bonales believed that there needs to be more culture at Gilbert, so he decided to form one here.
R.S.V.P (Raising Student Voices through Participation) Is a club hosted and, advised by Ms Buitron in which Gilbert students raise awareness of social issues, and handle the student discussion regarding school upgrades, working toward making the campus more homelike. RSVP club meets every Tuesday for executive meetings in room 19. RSVP exists for those students who feel compelled to speak up, but have felt like they have not had an outlet to have their voices heard. Now they have a place to be heard.
Rainbow Gladiators Rainbow Gladiators is an Instructional Communications (I.C.) elective class at Gilbert High School. Also a club, Rainbow Gladiators is a place to be yourself no matter how you identify. Rainbow Gladiators strive to support and encourage LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, etc.) students and allies on our campus. Our purpose is to create a safe space for everyone; as well as discuss and learn about LGBTQIA+ issues.
F.N.L is a club where students get together to plan fun events for the school. Making school a fun and safer environment. Creating events that make everyone feel included, F.N.L meets every day in room 8.
Music Club Are you a musician without anybody to play with? Stop by in room 12 during lunch on Mondays and Thursdays with Ms. Frese To kick back and jam out! Music club requires no sign up, feel free to come in and play. Whether or not you’re an experienced musician or a beginner, the environment is accepting and welcomes all. This is an unofficial club on the unofficial club menu. Drive thru and ask about music club in Room 12 Mondays and Thursdays at lunch.