It’s the End of the Year As We Know it: And I Feel Fine (Plus- Everything You Need to Know About Graduation 2021)
May 23, 2021
Congratulations, EVERYONE, for enduring the 2020-2021 School Year with finesse and staying in the race to finish strong. As we approach the finish line this week, May 24-28, here are some very important pieces of information you need to know:
Graduation is a LIVE and in-person ceremony for our senior graduates and their select few guests. There are rules that will be enforced. Face Masks are required at all times. Maintain 6ft social distancing at all times. The ceremony begins at 2PM and will also be broadcast for those who cannot attend. The location is Western High School’s Handel Stadium. *For seniors only who need to secure tickets, click the tutorial video in the link herein.
REMINDER – IMPORTANT – Textbook and Technology Drop-Off AND Graduation Rehearsal- IMPORTANT – REMINDER
On Monday, May 24th
Students with last names (A-L) @ 11:00am
Students with last names (M-Z) @ 1:00pm
Students with last names (M-Z) @ 1:00pm
ALL STUDENTS are required to Drive-Thru & Return any school items, (technology, textbooks, etc.)
For those students participating in our In-Person Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday, May 25th @ 2:00 You will participate in graduation rehearsal (A-L @ 11:00am & M-Z @ 1:00pm)
Seniors, after rehearsal:
- Pick up Cap and Gown for those participating in for graduation on –> your order should be placed with
- Pick up any earned graduation cord, stole and/or medal
- Pick up your PurplePass Code (2 – Tickets to Graduation) – (see video)
- Pick up your Graduate Lawn Sign
If you are returning technology… PLEASE do thefollowing:
1) Fully charge the device(s) prior to returning it.
2) Wrap up chargers and cable(s) neatly.
3) Write your student ID and full name on a piece of paper and attach the paper onto the device(s)
2) Wrap up chargers and cable(s) neatly.
3) Write your student ID and full name on a piece of paper and attach the paper onto the device(s)

Copy of Senior Graduation letter: file:///C:/Users/jtfre/Downloads/2021%20Senior%20Letter%20Gilbert%20&%20Polaris%20HS%20-%20English.doc.pdf