FIGHT HATE! Join “To Know Better” Campaign Today
You Can Make a Difference
October 21, 2020
Orange County Human Relations Commission needs your help in creating an inspiring campaign to stop hateful vibes and wrongful bias fueled by the pandemic. Seven student winners attending middle or high school in Orange County will earn $5,000 toward anti-hate initiatives at their schools. Plus, their campaigns will be publicized in Orange County and beyond. This is an incredible opportunity not only to make a difference, but to stand out from the crowd in college/job/internship applications. Schools that submit a completed entry are eligible to receive a $500 reimbursement after the contest winners have been announced.
Each team must submit an anti-hate multimedia project (one submission per team) encouraging fellow students to 1) practice acceptance and inclusivity, 2) keep social distance, and 3) wear a mask during the pandemic. Participants may choose from a variety of multi-media projects but can only submit one file type (.mp4, .jpeg or .pdf). Recommended teams should be made up of 2 – 6 students from the same middle or high school, but this is not mandatory. Teams of students from different schools are not permitted. There’s no limit to how many teams can enter for each school. Each school will receive a maximum of $500 total. If schools have multiple teams, the grant will be split among them.