It’s a common misconception that Gilbert doesn’t really have a lot of resources, like clubs or sports for students to express themselves but in fact they do. One such club on our campus is known as the Music Lab.
The music club has been here for a few years now, but hasn’t blossomed yet. Last year, the music appreciation class collaborated on a song writing project. They wrote and recorded an alma mater for Gilbert High School. Before that group of students graduated, they had an idea to develop a music studio on campus. And guess what? It’s happening. The new generation of music enthusiasts has taken on the responsibility and creativity of designing the music studio.
With the help of club advisor Ms. Frese, her friends in the music industry, arts assistants, and devoted students, the studio is taking shape.
It is making an incredible impact on many of the students,so much so that the music teacher Mrs.Frese has asked two Profetional Musicians to come and help out and set up the intruments.
These incrediable Musicians are Tom Laven & Toni Marsico, Tom Laven,62 he got his first guitar in 8th grade he’s been in to music ever since not long after he also discovered recording music soon after he left to music school in Boston,further on he started to work for disney’s orchestra to compose music for movies & shows for over 10 years.Some shows he worked on where The Lil Mermaid,Lil troop,Aladin,Pinky in the Brain.Toni Marsico,67 is a prefetional musician and hase been composing and playing music since he was 18.the wy he found his way to music is joining a music/poet course where he realized that this is his passion and soon dropped out,he plays Base guitar and is a freelance musician now,but he’s played all around the world for years he now does recording with Tom Laven now.
So student also help out moving instruments.Some of these students are,Efren Cervantes, loves to play the drums he thinks its pretty great being in the music class and loves to play drums in his free time or during lunch,Kevin, enjoys the music class loves being himself and expressing his emotions. Another one of these student is Kevin Reyes he also enjoys this class very much it brings him a lot of joy and helps him forget his problems this is one of hisways to express his fellings. Nicolas Barretto is another one of these great student he play the drums he likes that he can have this experience with instument and also has fun with it.Lastely,Gabriel Flores,he loves to play the guitar,a fue things he likes about music class is the facts that he can easily communicate with people and he also likes that they respect him and are friendly towards him.