On November 5th, 2024, Gilbert High School participated in a mock election. What is a mock election you may be asking? A mock election is a fake election (hence the term mock) that the school does to give us more knowledge about election day and why voting is very important. Throughout the day students were tasked to fill out a fake ballot, by the next day the results were in and in my opinion, they were a bit shocking.
- About 51.43% of students in this school voted Trump, 38.57% voted Kamala, and 10.2% voted third party.
- When it came to the school construction bonds 72% of students voted yes, and 28% voted no.
- 53% voted yes, and 47% of students voted no for the right to marry.
- When it came to safe drinking water/climate change bonds 74% of students voted yes, and 26% voted no.
- 78% of students voted yes on affordable housing bonds, and 22% voted no
- 58% of students voted yes to end enforced labor in prisons, and 42% voted no
- And for prop 32, 77% of students voted yes on raising minimum wage, and 23% voted no.
- 65.46% of students voted yes for measure K, and 34.54% voted no.
Now when we compare the results, Gilbert High School and Statewide schools that participated in the mock election voted yes on all propositions. When we look at the General Election proposition votes, we see that more people voted yes on school construction bonds, the right to marry, and climate bonds. And more people voted no to end enforced labor in prisons, affordable housing bonds, and raising minimum wage.