I was driving to school one morning, turningĀ at the light on Ball Road to enter the school lot when this elderly Orange County bus approached, a little too close to me. I was trying my best to speed up to switch lanes to avoid getting hit, but I was so focused on the bus next to me that I missed paying attention in front of me where the light was red and all the cars were stopped. I got so scared I pressed on my brakes fast.
My friend was in the car, and for some reason, my passenger seat wasn’t locked in right and his seat moved up and he almost hit his head. After that I started panicking badly because I had never been in an accident, I was breathing so fast and hard. I had a small panic attack.
By the time I pulled into the school lot, I was struggling to catch my breath. I would say that any driving student should be very careful of their surroundings and always wear a seat belt because you never know what can happen.
Coming from the experience of almost getting hit multiple times by reckless drivers is very scary and will get you scared to continue driving. Drivers and teens nowadays think it is so cool to drive fast and recklessly but once it ends in a crash or worse you get arrested for it, it will not be as fun anymore.