On one fateful day me and my Fortnite duo Kyle Torres, were doing a Fortnite tournament against all of the best Fortnite players. The winner would get 10,000 dollars. It was mission impossible. We first started separated and Kyle got knocked and killed. So it was up to me, Mo, to reboot him and win. Before Kyle got back in the game I got 4 easy kills because I am better. Kyle got back in the game and the rest of the game was a breeze. taking down all the top Fortnite players in the world. Until Kyle gets sniped from behind and I only have 16 health left. I luckily find a med kit and a slurp juice and get back to full health but by then there is only 3 people left. The circle is closing in. One guy tries to sneak up behind me but my ears are that of an eagle, I 180 quick scope him and now itsĀ a 1v1. Like a fool the last person rushes me thinking I’m low health, but little does he know, I haveĀ a fully reloaded SMG and I rail him. and we won. Now me and Kyle are 10,000 up and we are the worlds best.
FNCS Clutch
May 2, 2024
Gaming Lab
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About the Contributors

Mo Santana, Staff Writer
I am a senior. I’m 18. I have won FNCS 2016. I like movies.

Kyle Torres, Staff Writer