Jacklyn Duran
Applying for a job for the most part is pretty easy. I needed help with my resume so I asked a teacher, which I recommend is the best idea if you’re struggling.
Applying online was the first thing I did, but it took me time to realize employers don’t actually notice your online application. So what I heard is if your application wasn’t noticed, you must go to the place of business you applied to and tell them you applied online; and if you’re lucky they will give you an interview date. If this all sounds exhausting, it is.
I honestly think McDonald’s is a good first job. You learn a lot just from the many duties you get trained to perform. Job skills include discipline and timeliness.
My interview at McDonald’s went smoothly. Just be ready and take a copy of your resume, a work permit, and a copy of your SSN- they will ask for that!
They sign your work permit and you just take that to your school (Mr. Dechene in room 36), then you return to your workplace and turn it in.
Soon they will give you an orientation date. Mine was on Saturday, April 6th at 9:00 am. During orientation they will go through things to expect at work the first day. You will be trying on the company shoes they will give you and your uniform. The same day as orientation will be your first day of work.
Working at McDonald’s for a week now has been a great experience for me, so don’t stress yourself out! You can do it. They had me cooking hash browns in the morning. I was still learning how to work the fryer, and I did burn myself; but I’m okay, and I know what to do now.
Clearly, there are risks to applying for a job, and accepting work, but if you are interested, see Mr. Dechene to learn more.